
Izel Moctezuma
1130 Greensboro Lane
Sarasota, FL, 34234
(832) 350 9392
        Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota FL
        Bachelor of Fine Arts in Game Art & Design – May, 2019 Candidate
        (Place awards, honors or minor here. Otherwise, erase this line of text.)
        Lead Designer, Fractal River LLC, Houston, TX
    • Created a cohesive brand aesthetic
    • Designed assets for iOS use
        Creative Director, Screaming Gecko Games, Houston, TX
    • Designed gameplay and visuals for iOS game
    • Created visual and sound assets for the game
    • Spearheaded PR efforts and built a loyal online community for the game
Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Maya, Zbrush, Unreal Engine 4
Awards / Activities / Interests:
Best of Ringling -        Entrant, 2007  - Title or Description of work. description of scholarship or award, why is it special?
Any Art Competition, 2006 - List awards given and title or description of work. description of scholarship or award, why is it special?
National Dean’s List, Name of College, year,  description of scholarship or award, why is it special?
President’s Scholarship, Name of College,  year given, description of scholarship or award, why is it special?
Interests include developing mobile games, running an online handmade flower crown store, and creating personal digital artwork.

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