6 Enemy Tokens
2-4 Player Tokens
23 Room Cards
1 Mystic Elevator Room Card
1 Operating Laboratory Room Card
1 rectangular Entrance Hall Card
20 Item/Event Cards (5 Item, 15 Event)
2 dice numbered 0-2
Find and set aside the Mystic Elevator Room Card and the Operating Laboratory Room Card. Shuffle the remaining Room Cards. Put the Elevator Card back into the pile in an arbitrary place, then lay out the cards face-down in a 5x5 grid, making sure to place the Laboratory Card in the center. Place the Entrance Hall Card somewhere beside the main grid. Place the Event and Item cards to the side in separate stacks, face down. Place the player tokens (pig figurines) on the center card and roll to determine who goes first (higher number wins.)
Player One rolls two dice numbered 0-2 to determine how many rooms they can move through. They can move in any cardinal direction they wish, and can change direction in the middle of their turn. Any time a player moves into an undiscovered room, flip over the Room Card and roll one die to check for enemies before moving on. If the die lands on 0, place an Enemy token on the Room Card. If you encounter an Enemy, it ends your turn and any movement left over is denied. At the end of your turn, draw either an Item or an Event card and keep it.
You must deal with Enemies when confronted with them. You can do this in one of two ways: by employing an Item or Event card to get rid of the threat permanently, or by attempting to flee without aid.
If you choose to flee, roll the dice as if you were taking a normal turn. You can move in any direction you wish, but the Enemy chases after you, always moving half of however many spaces you move (round down) until they are either dealt with or they encounter another player. If you roll a total of 0, you must stay in the room and it is considered an attack-- put your pig on its side to signify that you've been attacked once. If you remain in the same room as the Enemy for another turn, your pig gets turned on its back and you die, signifying a loss.
Item and Event cards will distract or harm the Enemy so you can get away for good. Employ them before your movement roll to ensure that you are not followed.
If you deal with an enemy through a Card, take the Enemy token off the board to be put back into play again at a later time. If there are no Enemy Tokens available to put into play, ignore the result of your Enemy Check roll.
If you discover the Elevator Card, treat it as a normal room and roll to check for Enemies as you enter. If you are on the Elevator Card, you can move in any cardinal direction or choose to move into the Grand Staircase Space of the Entrance Hall. Each Room in the Entrance Hall is treated normally, with Enemies chasing you through the Elevator and down the Hall. The only room that is treated differently is the last room in the Entrance Hall. You must not have an Enemy in the room in order to escape and win the game. If you roll an Enemy Check and discover an Enemy, you must deal with them before being able to escape.
If you roll a number that takes you past the last space in the Entrance Hall, congratulations, you've escaped!
Refer to the list below for Item and Event effects:
Pickpocket's Gloves: Steal a card at random from another player.
Medical Kit: Employ this to counter one Enemy attack, allowing you to survive for one turn longer.
Armor: Employ this to counter one Enemy attack, allowing you to survive for one turn longer.
Secret Passageway: Choose another Room Card on the same floor to travel to. All Enemies following you lose your trail, remove them from the board.
Secret Stairs: Choose another Room Card on the floor above or below you to travel to. All Enemies following you lose your trail, remove them from the board.
Revolving Wall: Choose another Room Card on the same floor to travel to. All Enemies following you lose your trail, remove them from the board.
Mystic Slide: The floor falls out from under you; move down one space. All Enemies following you lose your trail, remove them from the board.
Closet Door: You hide from the Enemy successfully; they get bored and leave. Remove them from the board.
Burning Man: The Enemy is distracted and you get away, remove them from the board.
Debris: The Enemy is distracted and you get away, remove them from the board.
Webs: The Enemy is distracted and you get away, remove them from the board.
Smoke: The Enemy is distracted and you get away, remove them from the board.Spider: The Enemy is distracted and you get away, remove them from the board.
Dynamite: The Enemy is distracted and you get away, remove them from the board.
Footsteps: Check if there is an enemy in an adjacent room before you choose to enter.
Night View: Check if there is an enemy in an adjacent room before you choose to enter.
Something Hidden: Draw an extra Item Card at the end of your turn.
Adrenaline Shot: Move an extra space in any direction.
A Moment of Hope: Sneak a peek at one of the cards on the table. Replace it face down.
It Is Meant To Be: Sneak a peek at one of the cards on the table. Replace it face down.
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