Here's a neat little video showing my final acid explosion particle system.
This was a fun time to work on (when is exploding things over and over not fun?) although there is still a weird bug that I'm going to try to figure out where the debris sometimes has the correct Material applied and sometimes doesn't. Regardless, it was a really great learning experience! I ended up having X emitters: Flash, Radial Burst, Body, Splash, and Debris. I combined the Particle System with a Decal spawner in the exploding frog Blueprint to create the splat effect on the floor. Gameplay-wise, I also got a custom-made damage-over-time volume to spawn over the splat so if you stand in it, you take 10 damage per second until you leave it or hit zero health.
I messed with other kinds of particles for my racing level as well including a "magic beam" and some mystical ambient dust and I honestly found it very enjoyable. It's a different way to look at building something that's very detail oriented.
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